Sunday, February 28, 2010

Our Youth Today

I have been witness to a couple of reality TV auditions here in Cebu City. I remember being both astonished and disgusted by the sight of countless young men and women all craving for fame. I said to myself, "Money is Fame's twin. No wonder."

What disgusted me was what has become of our youth's desires. They just love to become instant celebrities. They just love getting the money. Personally I deplore the youth's lack of interest in culture, arts, history, science, literature, languages, theology, humanities and other disciplines, which to me are essential in equipping the youth in bettering our condition as a nation.

Many people say the Philippines has a lot of excellent talent, especially in the field of entertainment. That is true. But entertainment does not and cannot strengthen a nation.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Apollo Quiboloy

This morning I and a friend rode a taxi. We were on our way to a Christian Sunday morning service. The taxi driver was listening to a religious sermon. When the name Pastor Apollo Quiboloy was mentioned I could not resist the urge to ask the driver questions. He is a member of The Kingdom of Jesus Christ. I boldly, yet respectfully asked him the following:

“Is Quiboloy really the Appointed Son of God? Does he not sin anymore? Is he perfect now?” The answer: “Yes, he is the appointed son of God. He does not sin anymore in thoughts, speech and actions. Therefore, perfect.” To them Jesus is the Father God. He also revealed that Quiboloy has no spouse. But his wife is the New Jerusalem. And his children are the people of the New Jerusalem

“What will happen to the group if Quiboloy dies?” The response: “He will die but God will give him glorified body which will be taken to heaven. Quiboloy’s body will not decompose. The group will survive because God will have someone else to take Quiboloy’s place.”

“How do I go to heaven? Should I be a member of your group?” The quick answer: The new heaven is already here on Earth. The new Jerusalem. One should receive the spirit of God to be part of the kingdom. You must be baptized in the group.”

My BIG QUESTION was, “Which verse in the Bible states that Quiboloy is the appointed son of God?” The answer was not given immediately. The driver stated, “I don’t know but please read Psalm 25:14….If you ask the father, he will reveal to you that Quiboloy is his appointed son.”

I did search for the verse while I was waiting for the service to start. The verse was not at all proof. I praised and worshiped God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit this morning.

The TRUTH! I have it. I have Him.

Friday, February 19, 2010

MY GOD (an original poem)


My God has a Lamb
and I have never had
any sheep
except that One
so pure and meek.

My God has a Dove
and I have never caged
any pigeon
except that One
so holy and sweet.

My God has given them
to me, a sinner.
Of His love, mercy
and power
I shall always speak.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Condoms are said to protect people from getting the HIV/AIDS. But they are not actually bestsellers here in the country. Our men prefer to be unsheathed. Real sexual sensation is an aim, an intent.

Well, condoms work. So do information and campaigns. But not always. Why? Condoms are physical barriers. Knowledge and info are mental weapons. But we always miss the heart of man. His very spirit. That's the very place where change must begin. It's where the Word of God must touch and penetrate. If the heart of man/woman is circumcised through divine intervention, there will be hunger for holiness, something which condoms and campaigns can never cause to create in the heart of man.

Monday, February 15, 2010


How would I describe Melisa Cantiveros, the Big Winner of Pinoy Big Brother (PBB) Double Up edition? Obviously she is not beautiful. Not much to look at. Her big curly hair, ugly teeth and mobile lips never escape me. Her motor mouth is often in sync with her facial expression and hand gestures. Refinement, elegance and polish. They're not found in this girl. But, she's got character. She's funny, crazy and over the top. Local showbiz now seems to cash in on her recent popularity. Melai should start acting wise. When projects start coming, saving money should be her top priority. People may soon get tired of her and her teeth. By the way, she reminds me of Elizabeth Ramsey.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

NECKLACE (an original poem)

I will collect the stars
in the evening sky
and string them
using my heart strings.

I will make a pendant
out of the moon.
Every bead will be awashed
with the liquid fire of the hidden sun.

The night shall be the pouch
of this fantastic necklace.

Wear it around your neck
when you start falling from heaven.

Saturday, February 13, 2010


There are so many homosexuals we now see on local TV. Yes, they are talented. They are funny. They are entertaining. And seemingly they are everywhere. Children see them always on tv screens. It's a fact that children can easily copy other people's ways.

As a Christian I believe in good moral behavior. I believe in restraint in manners and speech. I believe in good old-fashioned modesty. Children's constant exposure to gay behavior and lifestyle may make them more accepting of people's differences. But let's add to acceptance firm and loving correction. What God says is wrong is wrong.

Friday, February 12, 2010


Frantic lovers rush
to pin Cupid.
But I attach Nonchalance
to my heart.

They have red bows and red things
on things;
While I beribbon myself
with Indifference.

Wines, flowers, kisses, love-makings
are their thrills.
But such are frills.

To me and my beloved,
today is already
the day of love.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


In political campaigns issues are never primary. Issues are raised. Then they eventually get blurred and unfortunately sink in the political mud. Ask supporters of their political candidate’s vision and platform and you hardly get substantial answers. (I admit. I too am guilty of this.) Ask them about the mud slung here and there. There will be quick responses. Political campaigns here in our country start off with grand slogans and intentions to serve people. Then the inevitable posturing and mud-slinging happen. And this is entertaining for many. Filipinos love to be entertained first. To be informed well is not first and foremost. Besides, people love posters. They remember the poster boy. But they forget the true issues because issues are often forgettable. Mud is memorable. Mud is part of the politics of politics.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


If I were a politician running for office and I would find myself consistently lagging far behind surveys and polls, I would back out. Yes, this would make me a quitter. But this quitter is a wise quitter. It takes wisdom to discern the futility of running a race that is somehow not worth running...yet. It also takes humility to concede and bow out. This does not make me a defeatist at all. Pride and hunger for power usually push politicians to waste money on campaigns that are bound to fail. They are free to run though. But their foolhardiness would do the nation as a whole no good.

Monday, February 8, 2010


Love is a boring subject for those who do not have much of it in their hearts. Love bores the hard-hearted. But to most of us who love Love, it is something tender and at the same time tough in its penetrating influence. Love is a delightful thing to define, to discuss and to share with others. Love comes to everybody. Consistent drops of it can break the stone. Since Love always prevails, the cynic is always subdued.

Friday, February 5, 2010


Kris Aquino is called local TV's Queen of Talk. I am one of those who believe that Kris is articulate and outspoken, which are her winning attributes as a TV host. But she has shown many a time that she lacks the ability to be gracious and tactful. Much criticized by those with higher sensibilities, Kris remains very popular. But the Queen of Talk badly needs to be reminded of delicacy and discretion. A punch on the mouth may help her wake up, I suppose.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


They are running for president because they say they want to serve the country. God knows the real reason why they are running. Candidates speak of noble things like change, justice and peace. But God sees and knows their hearts. Politics nowadays is seldom about serving. It is self-serving in the guise of public service. Godly politics is an oxymoron. God is never given the political throne in this world.

The Solution

Any attempt to solve a problem, like the HIV epidemic, with the exclusion of God and His Word, is only bound to fail. How foolish to rely solely on man, his sciences and his devices. Information and knowledge are insufficient weapons in dealing with a health crisis. God should be seen as the Solver. His Word the solution.

Proverbs 4:20-22 says, My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings. Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart. For they are life to those that find them, and health to all their flesh. (KJV)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Promiscuous

The sexually promiscuous know the consequences of their risky behavior. Tell them to abstain and they will not because they cannot. Tell them to have protection and they will not be totally committed to self-protect. I don't think there is a lack of information on how one can prevent from being infected with HIV. The problem lies in the spirit of the individual. The spirit of our present times, which is morally base and ungodly, has caused so much destruction in the lives of many people. The spread of the HIV can only be checked if the spirit of man wholeheartedly returns to his Holy Maker. In God there is hope for the corrupt spirit of man.

Monday, February 1, 2010


When the body is sick, the prayers come and they come strong. When one is in fine fettle, the prayers are feeble, if they are said at all. And that is very common among us. Prayers should never be seasonal. Prayers are meant to be constant and consistent. The more thankful we are, the more aware we become of the need to pray and praise God. In weakness and in good health we have to call unto the Almighty. How selfish and how poor we are if we're mere beggars in our praying.

Nursing Exam

So you did not pass the nursing licensure exam. The test may have proved to be very difficult for you. You may have not prepared enough. You thought it was easy but still did not make the grade. Yes, failure hurts. There were reasons why you flunked. Consider them but do not overdeliberate to the point of fretting. Instead extend your sincere congratulations to friends who hurdled the exam. This way you can nurse at least a wound in your heart.

Piolo Pascual

Piolo Pascual has never publicly admitted that he is gay. And many people love to tag him as one. This is the price of celebrity. As public property, Piolo can only bleed. People have the right to express what they think of him. Gossip is dirty. Showbiz gossip is very dirty. Its malicious repetition does not ensure the surfacing of the truth. If Piolo is found out to be really gay, this will turn into another showbiz trivia that can never contribute anything of great value to our culture. Surely another celebrity will be forced to "out".